Sunday, August 23, 2009

I dreamt that he's back !!!!!! )= I dreamt that my Butter is back !! I miss him so much... *sigh* He has a new famliy now. I know he's well taken care of by this new family *because the new family is my friend la* =) Thanks Eric and family for taking good care of Butter. Hope everything is well for you guys =)

I just realised I'm so replaceable. I mean I know I am a long time ago la.. but its so heartbreaking to know that now... the fact is .. I've been replaced.. and the stupidest thing is.. I know it's going to happen.. AND I LET IT HAPPEN !! I don't know why too.. when I know its going to happen.. its like.. i feel useless.. nth i can do.. and I'm at that point where by I'm so tired of everything and I just don't want to care anymore. It's even more heartbreaking to know that my actions are been taken as a changed in person and bad attitude.. I mean.. I have been with these ppl for a period of time which made us go through thick and thin.. share tears and laughters together.. and yet they doesn't understand or rather.. they nv try to understand why am i behaving like that.. so.. I'm so replaceable...... I AM REPLACEABLE !!!!!!

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